Major Announcement

 I am making this the Official blog and website of Serenity Brat official url:
 I am having trouble with the Webs website providers, I do not suggest anyone use them anymore as they're website maker is very confusing and is full of errors for me.

 This website is Linked with Cute Rats, our sister website.
Serenity is pleased to announce that this, as an official blog, can take of
and begin to become a #1 Boston Terrier, Rat Terrier and Dog Lover Website.

Please Read the Letters Below:

 About Cute Rats,

 I created Cute Rats, years ago, back in 2009. I had a rat named Happy who had passed away. Sadly, the website had died down. I then got new rats and moved my website to blogspot, not webs host anymore. The website had attracted a few rat lovers to check it out.

Cute Rats

About Serenity Brat,

  I created Serenity Brat when I got my dog named Serenity, whoes a Boston Terrier mixed with Rat Terrier. I created the website for the purpose of public information about the rare hybrid dog. I intended for dog lover's around the globe to enjoy my website, and share their stories about their dog experiences. I had received emails from my fans of Serenity Brat, many asked me where they can get this hybrid. Others told me the story of how they got introduced to the breed. I tried to refer people to a breeder, but since this breed is rare, it became hard to do.

 You can contact me to either register as a breeder on my website, or see if there is a breeder near you of the Brat Terrier Breed, (Aka Boston Rat). I'd be more than happy to assist.

 Thanks for your support,
Serenity Brat Admin


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